Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thing 5a

I didn't have anything specific I wanted to research at the moment, but I always like checking out generic lesson plans. I started by looking for foreign language and geography plans, but didn't see anything too interesting. Some of the blogs that pulled up showed they didn't have many weekly updates so that seemed to me that they would be rather static.

Since I wanted to incorporate more art into French 2, I thought I would try "Les Impressionists." What pulled up wasn't even remotely related to the artists or the art movement; however, I did end up finding what I was looking for in the first place! This has links to generic lesson plans for cross-curricular ideas. When I started clicking on some links, I found this gem on African languages.

This lesson plan is about looking at African languages and the problems associated with having lots of local dialects. This would give students time to explore why this is a problem and why having a common language (French for example) would make life easier for people. While it's a good thing to preserve customs, history, and languages that make people unique, there is still an absolute need to be able to work with a common language.

The problem is that Reader came up with a website, not an actual blog, so I don't know how often this site would be updated. Anyway, the site is So, I learned a bit more about Reader: it doesn't necessarily look for a specific TYPE of article such as a blog. It pulls up all kinds of related or semi-related articles/blogs/websites/online newspapers, etc.

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