Monday, July 6, 2009

Thing 9

  • Have you noticed the CC logo on any websites you visit? Did you wonder what it meant?
That logo is not something I was actually looking for, so I wasn't aware of it before now. Usually I check to see when the site was updated or when someone added a new post.
  • Do you think CC will impact the way students learn and create projects? How?
I think that teachers will need to share this information before it has ANY impact on the kids. They typically think they can copy and paste with no repercussions. I tell my students to add works cited pages on their projects and they don't do it. They don't tell where they got direct quotes from. I don't think they understand how unfair it is for them to be using other people's works without permission. In their minds, it's so easy to copy, why should they do anything beyond that?
  • Do you use digital images, audio or video clips from the web in your teaching (or professional practice)?
I use images (like the Eiffel Tower or other cultural images), but not audio or video clips. I do have some lesson plans including animal noises, but we listened to those directly from the original website.
  • Do you ever share content on the web?
I've never had a website or blog, so no.
  • Who owns your teaching materials?
The materials that I buy all say that they're for my personal classroom use and can be reproduced as many times as I would like. I'm just not supposed to share with other teachers and their classes. I check to make sure there are no other restrictions before I buy them. As for our textbooks, I'm sure the county paid licensing fees for our software so we have a site license for use at school. We have CDs for tutoring and copies of the text which are not licensed, but cannot be copied. We have permission to lend one to each student for use at home. The other materials say they are copyrighted and cannot be reproduced in whole or in part. So, the original authors and publishing company reserve those rights.
  • What are some potential negatives for using CC?
I can see overuse by students. Instead of having good content, I think my students would load their projects with tons of pictures. I'm sure they would waste class time searching for the "perfect" music.

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