Monday, July 6, 2009

Thing 8

I just finished putting up my own wiki space on the Sandbox. It's pretty easy to use and fun to do, but I see there aren't many options for changing how it looks. I'm glad to see how to embed links now. I didn't know how to do that and my previous Blog posts looked bad because of that. Embedding really does make things look nicer than writing out the whole address. Easier on readers, too as they can just click and go instead of open a new tab, copy, and paste. On another note, I really had fun with the image generators. I was looking at what was available and had to go with the Lego people. I embedded the link with the picture, so you click on the pic and it takes you there. I didn't see anything about copyrighted images, so didn't know if I needed to add something there or not.

1 comment:

  1. "I just finished putting up my own wiki space on the Sandbox. It's pretty easy to use and fun to do, but I see there aren't many options for changing how it looks."

    That's why I love wikis - they're easy to learn how to use. With wikis, you can customize the look of them as a "whole", meaning that once you set the look of the wiki, every page takes on that look, but the content each page sets them apart. Since I'm the "owner" of the sandbox wiki, you're not able to change the look of the entire wiki, but any that you would own, you could make those changes.

    Actually, the limited ability to customize the look happens to be another reason why I like wikis, especially where students are concerned. If they had many choices to customize the pages (like MySpace) they would spend more time on that than adding/editing their content. :)

    Oh, and I love your Lego image!
